
If you need help with the transportation of goods passing through our warehouse, we offer it to you in cooperation with our reliable partners.
Logistika Pluss transport services are designed to ensure fast, reliable and flexible logistics for your company. Our goal is to offer solutions that make freight transport easy and efficient, regardless of the destination or the goods being transported.
Our services include:
- Local and international transport: We offer transport both within Estonia and around the world. We use our partners network to offer you optimal freight, air, sea or rail transport.
- Fast and flexible delivery: In Estonia, we deliver shipments in Tallinn within 24 hours and in the rest of Estonia within 48 hours.
- Green logistics: We are committed to sustainable logistics by investing in environmentally friendly solutions and reducing the ecological footprint of our operations. We expect the same from our partners.
- Personalized service: We are committed to building long-term partnerships. Our professional team ensures that your goods reach their destination on time and exactly as per your requirements.

Why choose us?
- Long-term experience and a wide network allow us to offer solutions that meet exactly your company’s needs. You can get transport, storage, value-added and customs services from us, all conveniently from one place!
- Environmental friendliness and technological innovation are at the core of our operations, providing added value and meeting increasing demands on sustainability.
- Based on our customers’ feedback and cooperation, we have constantly improved our services to be one of the best logistics companies in Estonia.