Know our business, CASE STUDY # 3

The customer of Logistika Plus is a clothing company that produces and sells children’s clothing. The production takes place in Asia and clothing design and project management is conducted in Estonia. The products are delivered from the Estonian central warehouse to other European Union countries as well as out of the Union.
The client’s need was to find a logistics and warehousing partner who would:
- have a sufficiently large customs warehouse;
- guarantee the service in accordance with the seasonality of its products;
- be reliable, fast and flexible;
- have the technical capacity to reflect all movements in the customer’s inventory programme.
The role of Logistics Plus is to receive deliveries of large quantities of clothing from Asia. The goods must then be registered in the stock accounting programme and stored. In 2019, nearly 10,000 articles arrived.
It is important for the client that the goods are in a customs warehouse, which is:
- Convenient and safe;
- Warm;
- Dry;
- Clean.
Logistika Pluss distributes the goods to representation offices all over Europe at the moment required by the customer on the basis of orders throughout the year. Only the quantity of a specific order is cleared through customs. In this way, the client is helped to optimize the payment of state taxes.
The client saves on storage space and warehouse staff fixed costs. The cost of the warehouse service has become a variable cost and depends only on the amount of goods stored on Logistika Pluss’ warehouse premises and the orders placed.
It is convenient for the client to order all services from one place: warehouse service, customs service, transport!